Ibrahim Alzoubi

Fab Academy 2020 - "How to make almost anything"

Mechanical design& machine design

Assignment this week was design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation
- build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
- document the group project and your individual contribution

We decided to make a small candy dispensing machine, it contains a candy in a jar and when you touch the side panel it should extract one candy.

We divided the tasks so that each of us was responsible for specific tasks to be accomplished, and my task was to take the design from my colleague Walaa and cut it using CNC (the manufacturing process)

In V-carve, I started importing the files and the created the toolpaths for the inner and outer cuts.See images below.

here, selected the outer line to outside cuts, with tool diameter of 1/4 inch, and speed and feed as resulted in the test we made in the CNC week

Here, in this image, we show how we have defined the inside cutting in addition to the settings

We ran a simulation of the shearing process to make sure everything was set correctly

After finishing preparing the two files, the outside and inside cutting, I export the file in G-code format to be cut with the shopbot

The cutting process starts with CNC

For the parts that needs 3D cuts, we used the Roland since it gives much better finish. With the SRP Player software, imported the STL file and started preparing it as in the following images.

you can download Code Arduino click here
you can download the FUSION file click here
Group Assignment